The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, May 16, 2024
The Jewish Observer
Mazel Tov


Kenneth Anchor

Dr. Kenneth Anchor was the recipient of The Presidential Award from the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE) at the 2022 annual convention in Tampa as Founder of ABVE, a multidisciplinary credentialing organization, 40 years ago. One of his five books, The Disability Analysis Handbook, had five printings. He is a clinical psychologist in Nashville. 


Isabella Vivian Roth

Rabbi Ron and Rhonda Roth welcomed their first grandchild, (NAME?). Izzy is the daughter of Gabe Roth (graduate of the JCC Preschool, Akiva School, West End Synagogue Religious School and Montgomery Bell Academy) and his wife, Dr. Marina Arutyunyan. Gabe is executive director of the national non-profit, Fix the Court, which advocates for reform in the Supreme Court and the federal court system. Marina is an OB/GYN in private practice in Manhattan. The family lives in Brooklyn.


Gavin Gordon Eagle Scout Project

Gavin Gordon, son of Frank and Gwen Gordon, became an Eagle Scout on May 16, 2021. For his Eagle Scout service project, he built a chicken tractor for the JCC’s ECLC. The children will take care of the chickens and look forward to harvesting eggs when the hens are old enough to lay them.


Hayley M. Levy & Jacob A. Kupin

Hayley M. Levy, daughter of Joel and Marcia Evers Levy of Creve Coeur, Mo., and Jacob A. Kupin, son of Michael and Rhonda Kupin of Rye Brook, N.Y., have announced their engagement.