The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Jewish Observer

B’nai Tzedek Senior Send-Off

As the school year winds down, B’nai Tzedek wants to recognize a few important members of the program that will be heading off on their newest journey this Fall – COLLEGE! 

We will miss Celia Wiston, Sydney Johnson and Max Lapidus and hope they take the lessons they learned as members of the B’nai Tzedek program to their new university communities, continuing to give back to those in need as young philanthropists. 

I have had the privilege of working closely with all three of our seniors, all of whom also led the B’nai Tzedek Teen Board this year. I will miss Celia’s positive attitude and willingness to help, Max’s drive and enthusiasm and Sydney’s leadership qualities and maturity. I have no doubt that the current B’nai Tzedek Fundholders and incoming teen board members will take on the challenge as leaders of the B’nai Tzedek Program and help support B’nai Tzedek’s philanthropic mission.   

I asked Celia, Sydney and Max to reflect back on their B’nai Tzedek experience and this is what they had to say: 

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Celia, who will be attending Indiana University: “I’m so thankful for my time on B’nai Tzedek. It has taught me how to be a leader and given me so many opportunities to help out others in my community as well as connect with other Jewish teens. Although I’m sad my time is almost over I will continue to use what I have gained throughout my life”. 

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Max, who will be attending Tulane University: “B’nai Tzedek has opened my eyes to how much difference we can make individually. By opening a simple fund and attending different BT events I feel I have made an impact in the Jewish community.” 

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Sydney, who will be attending the University of Tennessee, Knoxville: “I am so thankful for my time with B’nai Tzedek because it has taught me how to lead my community as well learning how to be a part of so many amazing opportunities with Jewish teens around Nashville. I am sad for my time on the board to be coming to an end but so ready to use the skills I have learned to teach other people as I move through college and the rest of my life.” 

Along with the staff at the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville and all our B’nai Tzedek Fundholders, I wish Celia, Sydney and Max nothing but success on their college journeys. I am confident that they will succeed in everything they do in the future and not forget to help others along the way. 

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